These vests are designed to give high levels of mobility without compromising on the level of protection. Designed specifically for Special Forces all over the world they come optional up-armor inserts depending on the level of protection required. The superior fit and multipurpose pockets make these vests suitable for everyday use. The design of the outer vest and the pockets can be modified according to the equipment that needs to be carried


These jackets are specifically designed for combat operations where the threat levels are extremely high. In such situations the security forces require all-round protection. These jackets are developed using the most advanced ceramic, polyethylene and aramid materials, which provide high levels of protection at lower weights. Front and back up-armor inserts are provided to upgrade the protection to level III and IV. The camouflage patterns of these jackets are optimized as per the terrain where they are worn. Following are few of the key qualities of Military Over Jackets.


These vests are concealable and can be worn under regular clothing. They are ideal for use by personnel who require discreet protection at all times and manufactured using breathable materials, which are comfortable to wear for long durations. They are designed to give protection to the torso and shoulders against NIJ Level IIIA (For 9mm and 0.44   Magnum).